Posts tagged Javier Millei
The Curious Case Of Javier Milei’s Catholic Faith And Love Of Judaism

It was quite a week for Javier Milei. Not only did he visit Israel in a show of support; the recently-elected Argentine president then flew to Vatican City, where he made peace with Pope Francis. While Milei is a Catholic, he hasn’t been shy about criticizing the pontiff in the past while also flirting with the idea of converting to Judaism.

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El Crítico Del Papa Javier Milei Elegido Nuevo Presidente De Argentina

En un resultado sorprendente que pocos habrían predicho hace apenas unos meses, el economista libertario y exfutbolista Javier Milei fue elegido presidente de Argentina — un resultado que en muchos sentidos puede verse como un referéndum en la agenda política y social del Papa Francisco en su nación de origen.

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Pope Basher Javier Milei Elected Argentina’s New President

Libertarian economist and former soccer player Javier Milei was elected Argentina's president, a result that in many ways can be seen as a referendum on Pope Francis’ social agenda in his home nation.

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