Posts tagged NCR
India begins promised detention, deportation plan of Rohingya refugees

Thousands of Rohingya refugees settled in India’s only Muslim-majority region Jammu and Kashmir are at risk of arrest and detention after the Indian government moved 175 Rohingya to a detention center March 6, saying the Myanmar government — now controlled by the military accused of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya— asked for the Rohingya to be deported back. The move follows the BJP ruling party’s promises to deport Rohingya, ahead of elections in key states this week.

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Protests in India's holy Hindu city show rising interfaith solidarity

Arrests of Hindu activists protesting India’s new citizenship bill that excludes Muslims has energized Muslims and Christians who support a pluralism over what they see as attempts to make India a Hindu nation.

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Fear and Confusion Grips India’s Northeast as 1.9 Million People Face Statelessness

The Indian government is building detention camps for those left off the citizenship list, many of whom have lived in India for generations, fueled by suspicions of Bengali Muslims migrating illegally.

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Modi's bill to grant citizenship to undocumented Hindus causes stir in India

India’s ruling party is pushing for a controversial immigration bill to pass ahead of the general election that excludes Muslim migrants.

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