‘Official’ List Of 100 ‘Must See’ Films For Catholics


(ANALYSIS) If I haven’t said this before, let me stress this fact about the next few days: I cannot sleep on airplanes. Not a wink.

Also, the cheap seats in a packed, modern, long-range jet (steerage class for the 21st Century) contain zero room for a gravity challenged (think about it), 70something guy to work on a laptop computer.

During the long flight Down Under, I barely had room for a can of Coke Zero, a paperback book and a yellow highlighter pen.

New Zealand to Texas will almost certainly be the longest flight of my life, topping Delhi to Chicago years ago. There will be a long layover in Dallas and I hope to get about half of this week’s “On Religion” column written. I sure wish I could afford a comfy passenger lounge.

The bottom line: The earliest Rational Sheep readers will hear from me is Wednesday and, even then, there will still be some driving to do to get home to Northeast Tennessee. In terms of energy, I’ll be in Zombie mode at that time — but I’ll try to get something online. At the very least, I can post the full text of the previous week’s “On Religion” column, which was referenced the other day in this “Crossroads” podcast post.

Obviously, what I need right now is something that Substack readers can discuss for several days while I am caught in the space-time continuum over the Pacific Ocean.

How about this?

After two years of thinking and writing, Cameron DeLaFleu and Joe Wilson have posted their full, final version of “The Official List of 100 Movies Every Catholic Should See.” They never took a week off in this process. The goal was to put a spotlight on “films which truly reach for the Good, True, and Beautiful in their themes as well as in their technical artistic prowess.”

To read the rest of Terry Mattingly’s post, please visit his Substack at Rational Sheep.

Terry Mattingly is Senior Fellow on Communications and Culture at Saint Constantine College in Houston. He lives in Elizabethton, Tennessee, and writes Rational Sheep, a Substack newsletter on faith and mass media.