Posts tagged Brazilian Christians
the rise of evangelicals in Brazil: Q&A with Ed René Kivitz

For the first time in Brazil’s history, evangelical Christians have the political representation to create laws that fit their religious convictions. Kivitz, pastor of Brazil’s most influential evangelical megachurch, reaffirms the right of Christians to defend their values in the public sphere but not to impose them on the whole of society.

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Going meatless for Jesus: In Brazil, an Adventist University’s beans feed thousands

Seventh Day Adventists advocate vegetarian lifestyles for a healthy body and spiritual life, countering the mainstream food culture of meat that Brazil is known for.

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Are Brazilian Christians who elected Bolsonaro losing faith in him?

A fragile Christian alliance that supported Pres. Bolsonaro’s election to office in October is weakening amid rising unemployment, budget cuts to education, and their leader’s negative comments about women, black people and the LGBT community.

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