Posts tagged Maradona
Maradona Cedes His Throne To Messi

In a country as economically and socially unstable as Argentina, with almost 47 million people, 100% annual inflation in 2022 and 40% of the population below the poverty line, when a messianic figure capable of changing daily frustrations for joy appears, he is charged with that responsibility: He gives the right not to suffer during the hour and a half that a soccer match lasts.

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Maradona cede el trono al Messias

En varios países de América latina existe un vínculo intenso con el fútbol, pero en la Argentina esa relación es mucho más estrecha. Eso lleva a que todo lo que ocurra vinculado al fútbol sea una caja de resonancia a nivel de la sociedad muy importante.

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How Football Icon Diego Maradona Became A Global Religious Figure

Argentine football star Diego Maradona died at age 60 last week, but his legacy and devotion lives on. The footballer is a symbol of humility and hope, having risen to the top of global sports from a childhood in the slums, and attracted a religious following that formed a church in his name.

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