How You Can Help Support Our Journalism
This is a big time of year at Religion Unplugged. Nov. 1 marks the official launch of the annual NewsMatch campaign — one of our biggest fundraisers of the year.
Many people rely on religion — as they do journalism — to help make sense of the world. That’s where we come in.
As a supporter and reader, you already know the value of our accurate, fact-based and nonpartisan reporting covering faith in public life and in people’s lives. Unlike other digital news sites, we have been transparent about the values and principles that guide what we do since our founding in 2019.
We cover events and issues without favor. We tell the stories others aren’t. Our contributors across the globe work tirelessly — and at times risking their own safety — to produce the quality journalism you can count on.
In the process, we have won a number of awards this year. None of this would have been possible without our editors, reporters — and financial support from people like you!
Some of that work has included covering the U.S. presidential election, the ongoing persecution of Christians in a part of India known as Manipur, Pope Francis and the latest from the Vatican and the war in Israel and the wider Middle East.
Thanks to our NewsMatch campaign, we have an opportunity to make your donation go even further. Through Dec. 31, our partners will match your new monthly, tax-deductible donation 12 times or double your one-time gift, all up to $1,000.
If you can donate with a gift, your generosity will get our campaign off to a strong start and help keep Religion Unplugged, a 501 c3 nonprofit, going strong into 2025 and beyond.
We believe that to cover religion, we cover the world! Help us do just that!