Posts tagged nonprofit
What Happens To A Nonprofit’s Funds When It Goes Under?

From a donor’s perspective, it’s worth asking: Could a nonprofit’s dissolution introduce the temptation for its leaders to misappropriate assets or commit fraud? While documented cases of misconduct during dissolution are relatively rare, understanding the potential risks and implementing preventive measures are critical for maintaining public trust.

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‘Dark Money’: Faith-based, Other Nonprofits Funnel Tax-Free Money To Political Groups

While Uncle Sam grants Americans tax deductions for charitable giving, the government prohibits deductions for donations to political groups. But a growing number of donors on the left and the right have used “dark money” to exploit a simple work-around.

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International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews Taps Evangelicals For Support

Many evangelical Christians are giving money to International Fellowship of Christians and Jews despite the fact that the fellowship does not promote the Gospel and pays its leaders large salaries. Do they know what organization they’re giving to?

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