Religion Unplugged

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Covering Islam in the Bible Belt

The McCormick Foundation is offering free travel, lodging and tuition to 24 participants for the Covering Islam in the Bible Belt seminar in Nashville, on August 21-23. The application deadline is July 1, and the seminar still has seats to fill.

Covering the topic of Islam is becoming an increasingly challenging assignment for journalists, especially in the South. To help those who report on issues involving Muslim communities, the MTSU School of Journalism is hosting this conference and workshop featuring veteran journalists and experts in Islamic history and culture.

The seminar will take place at the the First Amendment Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Participation will be limited to a maximum of 24 attendees, providing unusual opportunities for interaction with experts and for networking with other media specialists.

The conference is funded by a grant from the McCormick Foundation, which sponsors up to eight Specialized Reporting Institutes annually to provide in-depth training for journalists.

For more information and to apply, go to

(Neither the McCormick Foundation nor the MTSU School of Journalism are affiliated with The Media Project. This is a third-party educational opportunity The Media Project recommends to our network.)